Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Blur of the last few days...

I have no idea where to start.....
I guess I could start by saying how thankful I am for my Family. Steven was in a car accident on Monday morning on his way to work. He walked away with only minor injuries. He has possible broken nose, and hairline cracked/bruised rib. His car was completely totaled. It was an older model car, but it was the car he drives in competitions. So, the car was his baby. He worked over a year putting the car together the way he wanted. He was actually going to be doing some more work on the rear end on Monday. So, now we have to worry about the insurance company paying what he actually had in the car. The accident was the other drivers fault. It was also her second accident within a month. She pulled out in front of him when he was only about a car length away. He was going around 45 mph, so I am very thankful he only had minor injuries.

So now let me jump into what the Doctor said about Rhianna today. We Went this morning and they did more blood work. This is the second time she has had blood work done within 7 days. The knot is not much better. I had to take her back to the Doctor on Saturday, and they changed her antibiotic. She was taking 2000mg of Cephalixen, and that hadn't budged the knot at all. So now she has been on the new antibiotic for about 4-5 days. There has been a little improvement, but not enough. They are still really concerned about her. So they are going to give the antibiotic a little longer. If they do not see a lot of improvement in the knot they are going to have it biopsied. So I am praying it will improve.
My nerves are in pieces with all this going on. I have to have faith in God, and know that things are going to work out.

I am really thankful for my In-laws help with all this going. Without there support and financial help I don't know what we would do.

1 comment:

candacestone said...

Just wanted to let you know i am praying for you and your baby girl...Gracie had the same thing happen and so did i when i was her age....God healed me and can heal rihanna too! I am so glad your hubby was okay too! Do ever hesitate to call shane when you have something going on like that or even with sickness he can pray with you and for you! Love you girlie!