I am very excited about my Blog. I now have a place where I can write all my thoughts. One day my daughter might want to know what her crazy mom thought about this or that. I hope that if anyone reads this they might find a little bit of inspiration. Well so I guess I need to right down what has been on my mind today.
Well first for those of you who don't know me I have started volunteering as a Guardian ad
Litem. I am currently going through the 30 hour training program. I am so
excited I am able to be a part in this wonderful program. For those of you who don't know what a GAL is, it's a court appointed guardian over children who have been taken from there home. A GAL works to make sure that the child's best interest are being met. Most importantly you make sure the child is safe. You also
recommend to the court what you think should happen for the child. Let me give an example: Say if a child gets taken from his parents, you have to determine whether you think it would be best for the child to go home to his parents, or should be put in foster care, live with another family member besides the parents, or be
permanently adopted by someone. I know I'm giving a bad description as to what we will be doing, it's hard to right down all the things we will have to handle. We have to do a thorough
investigation. That means from talking to the parents, foster parents, teachers, doctors,
counselors, other relatives,
basically anyone who has important information about the child. The
investigation gives you a starting point that helps you determine what your decision will be, and what to report in court to the judge. I can go on and on about what a GAL does, but the most important thing is seeing that your child is safe and all his best interest are being met. You even have to put in your report what the child wishes, even if you recommend something different. Say the child wants to go home to his parents, (they say most of the time that will be the
child's wish, even if he was abused, because that is all the child has know) I have to put that in my report, even if I recommend something different. O.K. I did my best to explain maybe that gives you an idea what I will be doing.
What I have been thinking about today is the
wonderful women I am taking the training with. These women are from all walks of life, from age 21 or 22 to age 66. I have had a chance to talk briefly with some of these women, and they are inspiring. I already respect all of these women, they deserve my respect. I am going to tell you about to of these women I find really inspiring I want use there names.
The first woman I want to tell you about, I think she is around my age late twenties. She was
valedictorian of her High School, and has two college degrees. She is worried that she will be unable to do the job, she
doesn't want to fail these kids. I bet you are thinking "why is she worried she want do a good job." Well she is worried because she had a surgery on her brain that was a mistake. They thought she had a brain
aneurysm, and she didn't. Well after the surgery she now has problems with her speech, and writing. She finds it hard to string thoughts together. She also said she also can't drive home without her navigation system telling her the directions. I don't know about you, but I respect the heck out of her. She was
embarrassed to
admit these things in front of us, but she wanted to make sure she could do the best job for the kids. I can't imagine how hard it was for her to swallow her pride, and say do you think I will still be able to do the right thing for these kids. I feel she will do a great job, because she really wants to help. I can't wait to get to know her better.
The other lady I would like to tell you about she is 66 years old. She said she has had a full life. Her children are grown, and now is starting to have great
grand kids. Her husband died a couple of years ago, and it has been hard on her. She is really excited about the program and being able to help. She has other reasons for wanting to help, but it's not my story to tell.
These women are so inspiring to me. I hope to get to know them better, and be able to call them friends.
Well I bet you are wandering what my story is. I will have to post later, because I feel like my brain isn't functioning correctly right now.